Add Headers from Kafka Records to Mongo Field using Sink Connector: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Shailagh -

Add Headers from Kafka Records to Mongo Field using Sink Connector: A Step-by-Step Guide

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In today’s data-driven world, integrating multiple systems is essential to unlock insights and make data-driven decisions. Apache Kafka and MongoDB are two popular technologies used for handling real-time data and storing large amounts of data, respectively. However, integrating these systems can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to preserving valuable metadata. In this article, we’ll explore how to add headers from Kafka records to a Mongo field using a Sink Connector, making it easy to preserve and utilize this valuable metadata.

The Problem: Losing Valuable Metadata

When integrating Kafka and MongoDB, one common issue is losing valuable metadata from Kafka records. This metadata, stored in the headers of Kafka records, provides crucial context about the data, such as the source system, event type, and timestamp. However, when using a traditional Sink Connector, this metadata is often lost during the data transfer process.

This loss of metadata can have severe consequences, making it challenging to:

  • Track data lineage and provenance
  • Implement data quality checks
  • Perform auditing and logging

The Solution: Using a Custom Sink Connector

To preserve the valuable metadata from Kafka records, we can create a custom Sink Connector that adds the headers to a MongoDB field. This approach allows us to utilize the metadata in MongoDB, enabling better data management and analysis.


Before we dive into the implementation, ensure you have the following:

  • Kafka cluster with a topic containing records with headers
  • MongoDB instance with a collection
  • Confluent Platform or a Kafka distribution with Sink Connector support
  • Java 8 or higher installed
  • Maven or another build tool installed

Implementing the Custom Sink Connector

Let’s create a custom Sink Connector that adds the headers from Kafka records to a MongoDB field. We’ll use Java and the Confluent Kafka Connect API to build the connector.

Create a new Maven project and add the required dependencies:


Create a new Java class that extends the `SinkConnector` class from the Kafka Connect API:

public class MongoSinkConnector extends SinkConnector {
    public String version() {
        return "1.0";
    public Class<?> getKeyConverter() {
        return StringConverter.class;
    public Class<?> getValueConverter() {
        return JsonConverter.class;
    public void start(Map<String, String> props) {
        // Initialize the MongoDB client
        MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(props.get("mongodb.url"));
        MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase(props.get("mongodb.database"));
        MongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection(props.get("mongodb.collection"));
        // Create a MongoDB Bulk Write Operation
        BulkWriteOperation bulkWriteOperation = new BulkWriteOperationBuilder(collection, true).build();
    public void put(Collection<SinkRecord> records) {
        for (SinkRecord record : records) {
            // Get the Kafka record headers
            Headers headers = record.headers();
            // Create a new MongoDB document
            Document document = new Document();
            document.put("key", record.key());
            document.put("value", record.value());
            // Add the Kafka headers to the MongoDB document
            Document headersDocument = new Document();
            for (Header header : headers) {
                headersDocument.put(header.key(), header.value());
            document.put("headers", headersDocument);
            // Add the document to the Bulk Write Operation
            bulkWriteOperation.execute(new InsertOneModel<>(document));
    public void flush(Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> offsets) {
        // Flush the Bulk Write Operation
    public void close() {
        // Close the MongoDB client

Configuring the Sink Connector

Create a new file `` with the following configuration:


This configuration defines a Sink Connector named `mongo-sink` that uses the custom `MongoSinkConnector` class. It also specifies the MongoDB connection details.

Deploying the Sink Connector

Copy the JAR file and the `` file to the Kafka Connect cluster.

Create a new Sink Connector using the Confluent CLI:

confluent local connect create --name mongo-sink --connector-class com.example.MongoSinkConnector --config

Start the Sink Connector:

confluent local connect start mongo-sink

Verifying the Integration

Produce some records to the Kafka topic:

kafka-console-producer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic mytopic

Verify that the records are written to the MongoDB collection with the added headers:

use mydatabase

This should display the records with the added headers.


In this article, we’ve demonstrated how to add headers from Kafka records to a Mongo field using a custom Sink Connector. This approach enables the preservation of valuable metadata, making it easy to utilize in MongoDB.

By following these instructions, you can create a custom Sink Connector that meets your specific integration requirements.

Best Practices and Considerations

When implementing this solution, keep the following best practices and considerations in mind:

  • Performance: High-volume Kafka topics can impact MongoDB performance. Ensure you have a suitable MongoDB instance and adequate resources.
  • Data consistency: Ensure data consistency by implementing idempotent operations and handling failures.
  • Data security: Ensure data security by implementing proper authentication and authorization mechanisms.
  • Monitoring: Monitor the Sink Connector for errors and performance issues.

By following these guidelines, you can create a reliable and efficient data integration pipeline.

Further Reading

For more information on Kafka Connect and Sink Connectors, refer to the following resources:

  • Kafka Connect documentation:
  • Sink Connector documentation:
  • Kafka documentation:
  • MongoDB documentation:

Happy integrating!

Frequently Asked Question

Get your answers about adding headers from Kafka records to a MongoDB field using a sink connector!

How do I configure the Kafka sink connector to extract headers from Kafka records?

To configure the Kafka sink connector, you’ll need to set the `transforms` property to `ExtractHeader` in your connector configuration. This will allow you to specify the header names you want to extract from the Kafka records. For example: `transforms=ExtractHeader,value.converters=ByteArray,ExtractHeader.type=org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.ExtractHeader`

Can I add multiple headers to a single MongoDB field?

Yes, you can! By using the `ExtractHeader` transform multiple times, you can extract multiple headers and concatenate them into a single field in your MongoDB document. Just separate the header names with commas, like this: `transforms=ExtractHeader(header1),ExtractHeader(header2),ExtractHeader(header3)`.

How do I specify the MongoDB field where the extracted headers should be stored?

Easy one! You’ll need to use the `` property in your connector configuration to specify the MongoDB field where the extracted headers should be stored. For example: `` This will store the extracted headers in a field named `headers` in your MongoDB document.

What if I want to rename the headers before storing them in MongoDB?

You can use the `Rename` transform to rename the extracted headers before storing them in MongoDB. For example: `transforms=ExtractHeader, Rename` Then, in the `Rename` transform, you can specify the new names for the headers, like this: `renames=header1:new_header1,header2:new_header2`.

Can I use this approach with other data formats, like Avro or JSON?

Yes, the `ExtractHeader` transform is not specific to certain data formats, so you can use it with Avro, JSON, or any other data format supported by the Kafka sink connector. Just make sure to adjust the `value.converter` property accordingly to match your data format.

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