ESLint: Why is no-unused-expressions Failing?
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ESLint: Why is no-unused-expressions Failing?

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Are you tired of staring at your code, wondering why ESLint is throwing a tantrum over a seemingly harmless line of code? Specifically, have you encountered the infamous “no-unused-expressions” error, only to scratch your head and ask, “But I’m using this expression, I swear!”?

The Mysterious Case of Unused Expressions

Before we dive into the world of frustrated developers and mysterious errors, let’s take a step back and understand what ESLint is trying to achieve with this rule.

ESLint’s “no-unused-expressions” rule is designed to prevent unnecessary code from cluttering your project. It’s like that one friend who always keeps their room spotless – it’s all about maintaining a tidy codebase. The rule is set to warn you about expressions that don’t have any side effects, making your code more efficient and readable.

But What Constitutes an Unused Expression?

A unused expression is essentially a piece of code that doesn’t do anything useful. Think of it like a statement that is executed but has no impact on the program’s outcome. Here are some common examples:

  • A function call with no side effects, such as console.log() without a console statement.
  • A variable declaration without an assignment.
  • An expression that is not assigned to anything.

Now that we’ve established what an unused expression is, let’s explore why ESLint might be throwing a fit over your perfectly valid code.

The Culprits Behind no-unused-expressions Failing

Frustratingly, ESLint’s “no-unused-expressions” rule can be triggered by a variety of factors. Here are some common culprits to watch out for:

1. Unintended Consequences

Sometimes, ESLint gets a bit too zealous in its pursuit of cleanliness. This might lead to false positives, where the rule flags a legitimate expression as unused.

    // This code will trigger the no-unused-expressions error
    var foo = function() {
      return 'bar';

In this example, the function expression is assigned to the variable foo, but since it’s not being called or used anywhere, ESLint will assume it’s an unused expression.

2. Misleading Whitespace

Whitespace and newline characters can be sneaky culprits. They might make it seem like an expression is being used when, in reality, it’s just floating in limbo.

    // This code will also trigger the no-unused-expressions error
    var foo = function() {
      return 'bar'

In this example, the newline character and whitespace make it appear as though the function expression is being used, but ESLint will still flag it as unused.

3. Overly Aggressive ESLint Configurations

It’s possible that your ESLint configuration is too aggressive, causing it to flag legitimate expressions as unused. This might be due to an overzealous plugins or rules setup.

    // An overly aggressive ESLint configuration
      "plugins": {
        "unused-expressions": "error"
      "rules": {
        "no-unused-expressions": "error"

In this scenario, it’s essential to review your ESLint configuration and adjust the rules to accommodate your coding style.

Solving the Mystery of no-unused-expressions Failing

Now that we’ve identified the common culprits behind ESLint’s “no-unused-expressions” failures, let’s explore some solutions to get your code up and running:

1. Review Your Code

The first step is to scrutinize your code, line by line, to ensure that you’re not accidentally leaving behind unused expressions.

    // Before
    var foo = function() {
      return 'bar';

    // After
    var foo = function() {

By adding a console statement or some other side effect, you’re telling ESLint that the expression is indeed being used.

2. Adjust Your ESLint Configuration

If you’ve reviewed your code and are confident that it’s correct, it’s time to reassess your ESLint configuration.

    // Relaxed ESLint configuration
      "plugins": {
        "unused-expressions": "warn"
      "rules": {
        "no-unused-expressions": "warn"

By changing the rule from “error” to “warn”, you’re allowing ESLint to provide suggestions without blocking your development workflow.

3. Disable the Rule for Specific Scenarios

In some cases, you might need to disable the “no-unused-expressions” rule altogether. This can be done using inline comments or configuration overrides.

    // Disable the rule for a specific line
    var foo = function() {
      return 'bar'; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-expressions

Alternatively, you can override the rule in your ESLint configuration:

      "rules": {
        "no-unused-expressions": "off"

By doing so, you’re telling ESLint to ignore the “no-unused-expressions” rule for the specified scenario.


In conclusion, ESLint’s “no-unused-expressions” rule is an essential tool for maintaining a clean and efficient codebase. However, it’s not infallible, and sometimes, it might throw false positives or become too aggressive. By understanding the common culprits behind this error and applying the solutions outlined above, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the mystery of no-unused-expressions failing.

Best Practices to Avoid no-unused-expressions Failing

To avoid encountering the “no-unused-expressions” error in the future, follow these best practices:

  1. Review your code regularly to ensure you’re not leaving behind unused expressions.
  2. Keep your ESLint configuration balanced, avoiding overly aggressive settings.
  3. Use inline comments or configuration overrides to disable the rule for specific scenarios.
  4. Stay up-to-date with ESLint’s documentation and community discussions to stay informed about the latest developments.

By embracing these best practices, you’ll be able to harness the power of ESLint’s “no-unused-expressions” rule while minimizing the risk of false positives and frustration.

Scenario Solution
Unused function expression Add a side effect, such as a console statement
Overly aggressive ESLint configuration Adjust the configuration to “warn” or “off” for specific scenarios
Misleading whitespace Remove unnecessary whitespace and newline characters

Remember, ESLint is a tool designed to help you write better code. By understanding its limitations and applying the solutions outlined above, you’ll be able to work in harmony with this powerful tool.

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with ESLint’s no-unused-expressions rule? You’re not alone! Here are some common questions and answers to help you troubleshoot the issue:

Why is ESLint’s no-unused-expressions rule failing in my JavaScript files?

The no-unused-expressions rule fails when ESLint detects an expression that has no effect on the code. This can happen when you have a statement that doesn’t assign a value, call a function, or update a property. For example, a lone `console.log()` statement or an unused function call can trigger this error.

How can I fix unused expressions in my code?

To fix unused expressions, you can either remove the expression if it’s not needed, or assign the result to a variable or property if it’s intended to be used. For example, if you have a lone `console.log()` statement, consider removing it or assigning the result to a variable if you need to use the logged value.

Why does ESLint consider my ternary expression as an unused expression?

ESLint may consider a ternary expression as an unused expression if it’s not assigned to a variable or property. Make sure to assign the result of the ternary expression to a variable or property, or use it as part of a larger expression that has an effect on the code.

Can I disable the no-unused-expressions rule for a specific line of code?

Yes, you can disable the no-unused-expressions rule for a specific line of code by adding a comment `// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-expressions` above the line that’s causing the error. However, it’s recommended to fix the underlying issue instead of disabling the rule.

How can I configure ESLint to ignore certain types of unused expressions?

You can configure ESLint to ignore certain types of unused expressions by adding exceptions to the no-unused-expressions rule in your ESLint configuration file. For example, you can ignore console logs by adding `”no-unused-expressions”: [“error”, { “allowShortCircuit”: true, “allowTernary”: true, “allowTaggedTemplates”: true }]` to your ESLint config.

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